Engaging patients
for better health Outcomes
Our digital tools improve patient engagement by presenting individually tailored medical information and providing reminders of key milestones.
The Research Is Clear
Informed, engaged patients have less anxiety leading up to a medical procedure, reduced pain post operatively, and better surgical outcomes.1
But studies show that patients instantly forget between 40% and 80% of information provided by health care professionals at consultations. And from what patient’s do remember approximately 50% is inaccurate.2
And although surgeons have a legal obligation to ensure patients are fully informed and give proper consent, time pressures can make meeting this obligation difficult.

How It works
Our Digital Tools educate and engage patients before and after a surgical procedure. Our proprietary software delivers procedure or disease specific information and reminders at key medical milestones, while returning valuable outcome data to the clinical team.

Each program is procedure specific, featuring information from clinical teams. Content including customised videos and medical education resources help to engage patients and reduce anxiety.
Evidence Based
Our learning materials are built on current clinical research and best practice in adult learning and patient education, ensuring information is simply presented, and easily absorbed.
Build Rapport
Our method of producing unique and personalised content is a highly effective adjunct tool for supporting the relationship between healthcare provider and consumer.
This content is available for the patient to revisit at any time during their healthcare journey. This enables clinicians to more easily manage their patients’ expectations.
for Patients
The program guides you through your health care journey, from your initial consultation through to your recovery, and at every point in between.
Efficient healthcare delivery
We store all the information you need about your surgery and recovery in one secure place, for you to access any time.
You receive alerts when action is required, such as starting your pre-operative diet or ceasing medications.
Educational materials are accurate, engaging and presented simply, using a combination of written and multimedia content.
for Clinicians
Improve patient experience by providing individualised medical content, procedure overviews, and clinic induction information.
Improves Patient Experience
Present all necessary information for patients and their carers in one place, so you can feel confident that your patients have received the information they need.
Each patient’s clinical pathway is fully customisable, and easily accessed by admin staff and clinicians.
Patients receive notifications when actions are required, and their responses are collected and stored to support consent compliance. When required, escalation protocols exist for patients who fail to acknowledge key alerts, which provides follow-up opportunities for follow up and improved adherence to appointments.
Customisable patient reported outcomes (PROM’s) and patient experience scores (PREM’s) provide valuable data and analytics to health care teams to help improve patient experience.
We help satisfy patient consent compliance requirements by tracking and storing patient engagement analytics.
Our Mission
Siara Health was established in 2016 with the clear aim of improving health outcomes by supporting communication between healthcare providers and healthcare consumers, using low cost digital solutions.
Founding directors Tori Fox and Robert Homewood joined forces to combine their expertise in healthcare delivery, patient experience and IT systems architecture, with the goal to design and build an intuitive software solution that meets the complex need of the healthcare industry.
Together with business leader and operations expert Chris Dunn, and a highly experienced team of clinical experts, IT professionals, writers, producers and content creators, they have worked with several hospitals and leading surgeons throughout Australia to create Siara Health’s suite of digital tools.
Our Partners
We are proud to work with the following organisations

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- Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm AEST